Source code for mpipartition.spherical_partition.s2_overload

from typing import List, Mapping, Union

import numpy as np
import numba

from .s2_partition import S2Partition

ParticleDataT = Mapping[str, np.ndarray]

def _count_neighbors(
    theta: np.ndarray,
    phi: np.ndarray,
    overload_angle: float,
    my_rank: int,
    segment_theta_low: np.ndarray,
    segment_theta_high: np.ndarray,
    segment_phi_low: np.ndarray,
    segment_phi_high: np.ndarray,
    send_counts: np.ndarray,
    send_counts_by_rank: np.ndarray,
    npart = len(theta)
    nsegments = len(segment_theta_low)
    for i in range(npart):
        for j in range(nsegments):
            if j == my_rank:
            phi_i = phi[i]
            if phi_i < segment_phi_low[j] - overload_angle:
                phi_i += 2 * np.pi
            if phi_i >= segment_phi_high[j] + overload_angle:
                phi_i -= 2 * np.pi
            if (
                theta[i] >= segment_theta_low[j] - overload_angle
                and theta[i] < segment_theta_high[j] + overload_angle
                and phi_i >= segment_phi_low[j] - overload_angle
                and phi_i < segment_phi_high[j] + overload_angle
                send_counts[i] += 1
                send_counts_by_rank[j] += 1

def _calculate_partition(
    theta: np.ndarray,
    phi: np.ndarray,
    overload_angle: float,
    my_rank: int,
    segment_theta_low: np.ndarray,
    segment_theta_high: np.ndarray,
    segment_phi_low: np.ndarray,
    segment_phi_high: np.ndarray,
    send_offset_by_rank: np.ndarray,
    send_permutation: np.ndarray,
    send_count_by_rank = np.zeros_like(send_offset_by_rank)
    npart = len(theta)
    nsegments = len(segment_theta_low)
    for i in range(npart):
        for j in range(nsegments):
            if j == my_rank:
            phi_i = phi[i]
            if phi_i < segment_phi_low[j] - overload_angle:
                phi_i += 2 * np.pi
            if phi_i >= segment_phi_high[j] + overload_angle:
                phi_i -= 2 * np.pi
            if (
                theta[i] >= segment_theta_low[j] - overload_angle
                and theta[i] < segment_theta_high[j] + overload_angle
                and phi_i >= segment_phi_low[j] - overload_angle
                and phi_i < segment_phi_high[j] + overload_angle
                send_permutation[send_offset_by_rank[j] + send_count_by_rank[j]] = i
                send_count_by_rank[j] += 1

[docs] def s2_overload( partition: S2Partition, data: ParticleDataT, overload_angle: float, *, theta_key: str = "theta", phi_key: str = "phi", verbose: Union[bool, int] = False, ): """Copy data within an overload angle to the neighboring ranks ("ghost" particles) This method assumes that the particle data is already correctly distributed, i.e. that all particles on a given rank are within the bounds of the rank's segment. Parameters ---------- partition: The MPI partition defining which rank should own which subvolume of the data data: The particle data to be redistributed, as a collection of 1-dimensional arrays. Each array must have the same length (number of particles) and the map needs to contain at least the keys `theta_key` and `phi_key`. overload_angle: The overload angle in radians. Particles within this angle of a rank's segment will be copied to the neighboring ranks. Note that the angle can be at maximum half of the smallest segment size in the partition. theta_key: The key in `data` that contains the particle theta coordinates (latitude), in the range [0, pi]. phi_key: The key in `data` that contains the particle phi coordinates (longitude), in the range [0, 2*pi]. verbose: If True, print summary statistics of the distribute. If > 1, print statistics of each rank (i.e. how much data each rank sends to every other rank). Returns ------- data: ParticleDataT The combined data of objects within the rank's segmentt as well as the objects within the overload angle of neighboring ranks. Notes ----- The function does not change the objects' coordinates or alter any data. Objects that have been overloaded accross the periodic boundary at 0 and 2pi will still have the original phi. In case "local" coordinates are required, this will need to be done manually after calling this function. """ # verify data is normalized assert np.all(data[theta_key] >= 0) assert np.all(data[theta_key] <= np.pi) assert np.all(data[phi_key] >= 0) assert np.all(data[phi_key] <= 2 * np.pi) # count for each particle to many ranks it needs to be sent send_count_by_particle = np.zeros_like(data[theta_key], dtype=np.int32) send_counts = np.zeros(partition.nranks, dtype=np.int32) # by rank segment_theta_low, segment_theta_high = partition.all_theta_extents.T segment_phi_low, segment_phi_high = partition.all_phi_extents.T _count_neighbors( data[theta_key], data[phi_key], overload_angle, partition.rank, segment_theta_low, segment_theta_high, segment_phi_low, segment_phi_high, send_count_by_particle, send_counts, ) total_send_count = np.sum(send_count_by_particle) assert np.sum(send_counts) == total_send_count send_displacements = np.insert(np.cumsum(send_counts)[:-1], 0, 0) send_permutation = np.empty(total_send_count, dtype=np.int64) send_permutation[:] = -1 _calculate_partition( data[theta_key], data[phi_key], overload_angle, partition.rank, segment_theta_low, segment_theta_high, segment_phi_low, segment_phi_high, send_displacements, send_permutation, ) assert np.all(send_permutation >= 0) # Check how many elements will be received recv_counts = np.empty_like(send_counts) partition.comm.Alltoall(send_counts, recv_counts) recv_displacements = np.insert(np.cumsum(recv_counts)[:-1], 0, 0) total_receive_count = np.sum(recv_counts) # debug message if verbose > 1: for i in range(partition.nranks): if partition.rank == i: print(f"Overload Debug Rank {i}") print(f" - rank sends {total_send_count:10d} particles") print(f" - rank receives {total_receive_count:10d} particles") print(f" - send_counts: {send_counts}") print(f" - send_displacements: {send_displacements}") print(f" - recv_counts: {recv_counts}") print(f" - recv_displacements: {recv_displacements}") print("", flush=True) partition.comm.Barrier() # send data all-to-all, each array individually data_new = {} for k in data.keys(): # prepare send-array ds = data[k][send_permutation] # prepare recv-array dr = np.empty(total_receive_count, dtype=ds.dtype) # exchange data s_msg = [ds, (send_counts, send_displacements), ds.dtype.char] r_msg = [dr, (recv_counts, recv_displacements), ds.dtype.char] partition.comm.Alltoallv(s_msg, r_msg) # add received data to original data data_new[k] = np.concatenate((data[k], dr)) return data_new