Source code for mpipartition.spherical_partition.s2_distribute

from typing import Mapping, List, Union
import numpy as np
import sys

from .s2_partition import S2Partition
from mpi4py import MPI

ParticleDataT = Mapping[str, np.ndarray]

[docs] def s2_distribute( partition: S2Partition, data: ParticleDataT, *, theta_key: str = "theta", phi_key: str = "phi", verbose: Union[bool, int] = False, verify_count: bool = True, validate_home: bool = False, ) -> ParticleDataT: """Distribute particles among MPI ranks according to the S2 partition. Parameters ---------- partition: The S2 partition to use for the distribution. data: The particle data to distribute, as a collection of 1-dimensional arrays. Each array must have the same length (number of particles) and the map needs to contain at least the keys `theta_key` and `phi_key`. theta_key: The key in `data` that contains the particle theta coordinates (latitude), in the range [0, pi]. phi_key: The key in `data` that contains the particle phi coordinates (longitude), in the range [0, 2*pi]. verbose: If True, print summary statistics of the distribute. If > 1, print statistics of each rank (i.e. how much data each rank sends to every other rank). verify_count: If True, make sure that total number of objects is conserved. validate_home: If True, validate that each rank indeed owns the particles that it was sent. Returns ------- data: ParticleDataT The distributed particle data (i.e. the data that this rank owns) """ # count number of particles we have total_to_send = len(data[theta_key]) # verify data is normalized assert np.all(data[theta_key] >= 0) assert np.all(data[theta_key] < np.pi) assert np.all(data[phi_key] >= 0) assert np.all(data[phi_key] < 2 * np.pi) # ring idx: 0=cap, 1=first ring, 2=second ring, etc. if partition.equal_area: ring_idx = np.digitize(data[theta_key], partition.ring_thetas) else: # equal theta if partition.nranks == 2: ring_idx = (data[theta_key] > partition.theta_cap).astype(np.int32) else: assert partition.ring_dtheta is not None ring_idx = ( (data[theta_key] - partition.theta_cap) // partition.ring_dtheta ).astype(np.int32) + 1 ring_idx = np.clip(ring_idx, 0, len(partition.ring_segments) + 1) phi_idx = np.zeros_like(ring_idx, dtype=np.int32) mask_is_on_ring = (ring_idx > 0) & (ring_idx <= len(partition.ring_segments)) phi_idx[mask_is_on_ring] = ( data[phi_key][mask_is_on_ring] / (2 * np.pi) * partition.ring_segments[ring_idx[mask_is_on_ring] - 1] ).astype(np.int32) # rank index where each ring starts ring_start_idx = np.zeros(len(partition.ring_segments) + 2, dtype=np.int32) ring_start_idx[1] = 1 ring_start_idx[2:] = np.cumsum(partition.ring_segments) + 1 # rank index of each particle home_idx = ring_start_idx[ring_idx] + phi_idx assert np.all(home_idx >= 0) assert np.all(home_idx < partition.nranks) # TODO: this code is duplicated in – unify! # sort by rank s = np.argsort(home_idx) home_idx = home_idx[s] # offsets and counts send_displacements = np.searchsorted(home_idx, np.arange(partition.nranks)) send_displacements = send_displacements.astype(np.int32) send_counts = np.append(send_displacements[1:], total_to_send) - send_displacements send_counts = send_counts.astype(np.int32) # announce to each rank how many objects will be sent recv_counts = np.empty_like(send_counts) partition.comm.Alltoall(send_counts, recv_counts) recv_displacements = np.insert(np.cumsum(recv_counts)[:-1], 0, 0) # number of objects that this rank will receive total_to_receive = np.sum(recv_counts) # debug message if verbose > 1: for i in range(partition.nranks): if partition.rank == i: print(f"Distribute Debug Rank {i}") print(f" - rank has {total_to_send} particles") print(f" - rank receives {total_to_receive} particles") print(f" - send_counts: {send_counts}") print(f" - send_displacements: {send_displacements}") print(f" - recv_counts: {recv_counts}") print(f" - recv_displacements: {recv_displacements}") print(f"", flush=True) partition.comm.Barrier() # send data all-to-all, each array individually data_new = {k: np.empty(total_to_receive, dtype=data[k].dtype) for k in data.keys()} for k in data.keys(): d = data[k][s] s_msg = [d, (send_counts, send_displacements), d.dtype.char] r_msg = [data_new[k], (recv_counts, recv_displacements), d.dtype.char] partition.comm.Alltoallv(s_msg, r_msg) if verify_count: local_counts = np.array( [len(data[theta_key]), len(data_new[theta_key])], dtype=np.int64 ) global_counts = np.empty_like(local_counts) partition.comm.Reduce(local_counts, global_counts, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) if partition.rank == 0 and global_counts[0] != global_counts[1]: print( f"Error in distribute: particle count during distribute was not " f"maintained ({global_counts[0]} -> {global_counts[1]})", file=sys.stderr, flush=True, ) partition.comm.Abort() if validate_home: assert np.all(data_new[theta_key] >= partition.theta_extent[0]) assert np.all(data_new[theta_key] < partition.theta_extent[1]) assert np.all(data_new[phi_key] >= partition.phi_extent[0]) assert np.all(data_new[phi_key] < partition.phi_extent[1]) return data_new