Source code for mpipartition.partition

"""MPI Partitioning of a cube


import itertools
import sys
from typing import List

import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI

def _factorize(n):
    i = 2
    factors = []
    while i <= n:
        if (n % i) == 0:
            n /= i
            i = i + 1
    return factors

def _distribute_factors(factors, target):
    current_topo = np.ones_like(target)
    remaining_topo = np.copy(np.array(target))
    for f in factors[::-1]:
        commensurate = (remaining_topo % f) == 0
        if not np.any(commensurate):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "commensurate topology impossible with given rank number and target topo"
        # add to lowest possible number
        s = np.argsort(current_topo)
        idx = s[np.nonzero(commensurate[s])[0][0]]
        current_topo[idx] *= f
        remaining_topo[idx] /= f
    return current_topo, remaining_topo

[docs] class Partition: """An MPI partition of a cubic volume Parameters ---------- dimension: int Numer of dimensions of the volume cube. Default: 3 create_neighbor_topo : boolean If `True`, an additional graph communicator will be initialized connecting all direct neighbors (3**dimension - 1) symmetrically commensurate_topo : List[int] A proportional target topology for decomposition. When specified, a partition will be created so that `commensurate_topo[i] % partition.decomposition[i] == 0` for all `i`. The code will raise a RuntimeError if such a decomposition is not possible. Examples -------- Using Partition on 8 MPI ranks to split a periodic unit-cube >>> partition = Partition(1.0) >>> partition.rank 0 >>> partition.decomposition np.ndarray([2, 2, 2]) >>> partition.coordinates np.ndarray([0, 0, 0]) >>> partition.origin np.ndarray([0., 0., 0.]) >>> partition.extent np.ndarray([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) """ def __init__( self, dimensions=3, *, comm=None, create_neighbor_topo: bool = False, commensurate_topo: List[int] = None, ): self._topo = None self._neighbor_topo = None self._neighbor_ranks = None self._dimensions = dimensions self._mpi_init = False if comm is not None: self._comm = comm else: if not MPI.Is_initialized(): MPI.Init() self._mpi_init = True self._comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD self._rank = self._comm.Get_rank() self._nranks = self._comm.Get_size() assert dimensions > 0 assert isinstance(dimensions, int) if commensurate_topo is None: self._decomposition = MPI.Compute_dims(self._nranks, [0] * self._dimensions) else: nranks_factors = _factorize(self._nranks) decomposition, remainder = _distribute_factors( nranks_factors, commensurate_topo ) assert np.all(decomposition * remainder == np.array(commensurate_topo)) assert == self._nranks self._decomposition = decomposition.tolist() periodic = [True] * self._dimensions self._topo = self._comm.Create_cart(self._decomposition, periods=periodic) self._coords = list(self._topo.coords) self._neighbors = np.zeros([3] * self._dimensions, dtype=np.int32) for idx in itertools.product([-1, 0, 1], repeat=self._dimensions): coord = [ (self._coords[d] + idx[d]) % self._decomposition[d] for d in range(self._dimensions) ] neigh = self._topo.Get_cart_rank(coord) self._neighbors[tuple(_i + 1 for _i in idx)] = neigh self._extent = [1.0 / self._decomposition[i] for i in range(self._dimensions)] self._origin = [ self._coords[i] * self._extent[i] for i in range(self._dimensions) ] # A graph topology linking all neighbors if create_neighbor_topo: neighbors = np.unique( [n for n in self._neighbors.flatten() if n != self._rank] ).astype(np.int32) self._neighbor_topo = self._topo.Create_dist_graph_adjacent( sources=neighbors, destinations=neighbors, reorder=False ) assert self._neighbor_topo.is_topo inout_neighbors = self._neighbor_topo.inoutedges assert len(inout_neighbors[0]) == len(inout_neighbors[1]) for i in range(len(inout_neighbors[0])): if inout_neighbors[0][i] != inout_neighbors[1][i]: print( "neighbor topo: neighbors in sources and destinations are not ordered the same", file=sys.stderr, flush=True, ) self._topo.Abort() self._neighbor_ranks = inout_neighbors[0] def __del__(self): if self._neighbor_topo is not None: self._neighbor_topo.Free() if self._topo is not None: self._topo.Free() if self._mpi_init: MPI.Finalize() @property def dimensions(self): """Dimension of the partitioned volume""" return self._dimensions @property def comm(self): """3D Cartesian MPI Topology / Communicator""" return self._topo @property def comm_neighbor(self): """Graph MPI Topology / Communicator, connecting the neighboring ranks (symmetric)""" return self._neighbor_topo @property def rank(self): """int: the MPI rank of this processor""" return self._topo.rank @property def nranks(self): """int: the total number of processors""" return self._nranks @property def decomposition(self): """np.ndarray: the decomposition of the cubic volume: number of ranks along each dimension""" return self._decomposition @property def coordinates(self): """np.ndarray: 3D indices of this processor""" return self._coords @property def extent(self): """np.ndarray: Length along each axis of this processors subvolume (same for all procs)""" return self._extent @property def origin(self) -> np.ndarray: """np.ndarray: Cartesian coordinates of the origin of this processor""" return self._origin
[docs] def get_neighbor(self, di: List[int]) -> int: """get the rank of the neighbor at relative position (dx, dy, dz, ...) Parameters ---------- di: List[int] list of relative coordinates, one of `[-1, 0, 1]`. """ assert len(di) == self._dimensions return self._neighbors[np.array(di) + 1]
@property def neighbors(self): """np.ndarray: a 3^d dimensional array with the ranks of the neighboring processes (`neighbors[1,1,1, ...]` is this processor)""" return self._neighbors @property def neighbor_ranks(self): """np.ndarray: a flattened list of the unique neighboring ranks""" return self._neighbor_ranks @property def ranklist(self): """np.ndarray: A complete list of ranks, aranged by their coordinates. The array has shape `partition.decomposition`""" ranklist = np.empty(self.decomposition, dtype=np.int32) for idx in itertools.product(*map(range, self.decomposition)): ranklist[tuple(idx)] = self._topo.Get_cart_rank(idx) return ranklist