Temporary Storage


A temporary storage that uses GenericIO to save data


A temporary storage that uses numpy.savez to save data



class haccytrees.utils.datastores.GenericIOStore(partition, box_size, temporary_path=None)[source]

A temporary storage that uses GenericIO to save data

The data has to be a Structure-of-Arrays (SoA) (i.e. a python dictionary str->`np.ndarray`), with each array having the same length.

This class behaves like a python dictionary of SoA`s. If `temporary_path is set, the arrays associated to a key will be stored in GenericIO files, otherwise, they will be kept in memory.

  • partition (mpipartition.Partition) – A Partition instance defining the MPI layout

  • box_size (float) – the physical size of the volume

  • temporary_path (str) – The base filesystem path where temporary data is stored. If None, the data will be kept in memory.


>>> # Creating a partition
>>> partition = mpipartition.Partition()
>>> # Creating a store
>>> store = GenericIOStore(partition, 1.0, './tmp')
>>> data = {x: np.random.uniform(10) for x in 'xyz'}
>>> store['pos_0'] = data
>>> del data
>>> # Do some memory-expensive stuff until you need the data again...
>>> data_0 = store['pos_0']
>>> # Cleanup
>>> store.remove('pos_0')

Retrieve a Structure-of-Arrays from the store


key (str) – The storage key of the SoA


The SoA associated with the key. A python dictionary of type {str: np.ndarray}

Return type:

Mapping[str, np.ndarray]

__setitem__(key, data)[source]

Adding an SoA to the storage

  • key (str) – The storage key, will be appended to the temporary_path and therefore has to be a valid if used in a filesystem path.

  • data (Mapping[str, ndarray]) – The SoA to be added to the store. A dictionary with types {str: np.ndarray}, where the numpy array have to have the same shape and dim=1.

Return type:


get_field(key, field)[source]

Retrieve specific arrays in a Structure-of-Arrays from the store

  • key (str) – The storage key of the SoA

  • field (Sequence[str]) – The keys of the specific arrays that are to be returned. Can be a str or a list of str.


The SoA associated with the key, with only the fields specified. A python dictionary of type {str: np.ndarray}.

Return type:

Mapping[str, np.ndarray]


Retrieve a Structure-of-Arrays from the store and remove the SoA


key (str) – The storage key of the SoA


The SoA associated with the key. A python dictionary of type {str: np.ndarray}

Return type:

Mapping[str, np.ndarray]


Delete a stored SoA (from memory or disk)


key (str) – The storage key of the SoA

Return type:



class haccytrees.utils.datastores.NumpyStore(partition, temporary_path=None)[source]

A temporary storage that uses numpy.savez to save data

The data has to be a dictionary of arrays (i.e. str->`np.ndarray`), arrays can have variable lengths and dimensions. If temporary_path is set, the arrays associated to a key will be stored in .npz files (one per MPI rank), otherwise, they will be kept in memory.

  • partition (mpipartition.Partition) – A Partition instance defining the MPI layout

  • temporary_path (Optional[str]) – The base filesystem path where temporary data is stored. If None, the data will be kept in memory.


>>> # Creating a partition
>>> partition = mpipartition.Partition()
>>> # Creating a store
>>> store = NumpyStore(partition, './tmp')
>>> data = {x: np.random.uniform(10) for x in 'xyz'}
>>> store['pos_0'] = data
>>> # Do some memory-expensive stuff until you need the data again...
>>> data_0 = store['pos_0']
>>> # Cleanup
>>> store.remove('pos_0')

Retrieve a dictionary of arrays from the store


key (str) – The storage key


The data associated with the key. A python dictionary of type {str: np.ndarray}

Return type:

Mapping[str, np.ndarray]

__setitem__(key, data)[source]

Adding a dictionary of arrays to the storage

  • key (str) – The storage key, will be appended to the temporary_path and therefore has to be a valid if used in a filesystem path.

  • data (Mapping[str, np.ndarray]) – The data to be added to the store. A dictionary with types {str: np.ndarray}, where the numpy array can have variable shape and dimensions.

Return type:



Retrieve stored data and remove from storage (memory or disk)


key (str) – The storage key of the data


The data associated with the key. A python dictionary of type {str: np.ndarray}

Return type:

Mapping[str, np.ndarray]


Delete stored data associated with key (from memory or disk)


key (str) – The storage key of the data

Return type:
