Source code for haccytrees.visualization.mergertree

import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple
import drawsvg
import matplotlib
from typing import Mapping, Union

class _Halo(
        ["id", "mass", "freemassacc", "scale_fac", "snapnum", "depth", "progenitors"],
    __slots__ = ()

    def __str__(self):
        return f"Halo(id={}, mass={self.mass:.2e}, snapnum={self.snapnum}, depth={self.depth}, nprog={len(self.progenitors)})"

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

def _extract_tree(
    trees, progenitor_array, target_idx, mass_threshold=1e11, max_steps=100
    hdict = {}
    snaplists = [[] for d in range(max_steps + 1)]
    hroot = _Halo(
    last_step = trees["snapnum"][target_idx]
    hdict[target_idx] = hroot
    queue = [hroot]
    while len(queue) > 0:
        h = queue.pop()
        prog_start = trees["progenitor_offset"][]
        prog_end = prog_start + trees["progenitor_count"][]
        progenitors = progenitor_array[prog_start:prog_end]
        masses = np.array([trees["tree_node_mass"][i] for i in progenitors])
        s = np.argsort(masses)[::-1]
        masses = masses[s]
        progenitors = progenitors[s]

        next_queue = []
        for m, pidx in zip(masses, progenitors):
            if m < mass_threshold:
            depth = last_step - trees["snapnum"][pidx]
            p = _Halo(
            hdict[pidx] = p
            h._replace(freemassacc=h.freemassacc - p.mass)
            if depth < max_steps:
        for p in next_queue[::-1]:
    return hdict, hroot, snaplists

def _tree_align(hlist, hloc, snaplists, padding, align="block"):
    hv = np.array([h.mass for h in hlist])
    hy = np.zeros(len(hlist), dtype=np.float64)
    snapmass = np.array([sum(h.mass for h in sl) for sl in snaplists])
    snaplen = np.array([len(sl) for sl in snaplists])

    if align == "bottom" or align == "center":
        snapvtot = snapmass * (1 + (snaplen - 1) * padding)
        snappadding = (snapvtot - snapmass) / np.clip((snaplen - 1), 1, None)
    elif align == "block":
        snapvtot = snapmass * (1 + (snaplen - 1) * padding)
        snappadding = (np.max(snapvtot) - snapmass) / np.clip((snaplen - 1), 1, None)
        raise NotImplementedError("no align {}".format(align))

    # find hy
    for i, sl in enumerate(snaplists):
        if align == "center":
            curoff = 0.5 - snapvtot[i] / 2
            curoff = 0
        for j, h in enumerate(sl):
            hy[hloc[]] = curoff
            curoff += h.mass + snappadding[i]

    return hv, hy

def _tree_recursive(hroot, hlist, hloc, snaplists, padding, align):
    minpad = 0.1 * padding * hroot.mass
    maxpad = padding * hroot.mass
    padding_fct = lambda prosizes: np.clip(
        padding * (prosizes[:-1] + prosizes[1:]), minpad, maxpad
    # padding_fct = lambda prosizes: padding * (prosizes[:-1] + prosizes[1:])
    # padding_fct = lambda prosizes: padding * (prosizes[:-1] + 5*prosizes[1:])/3
    # padding_fct = lambda prosizes: padding * np.sqrt(prosizes[:-1] * prosizes[1:])
    # Find vertical size of each node
    hv = np.array([h.mass for h in hlist])
    sizes = {}

    def get_size(h):
        if len(h.progenitors) == 0:
            size = h.mass
            prosizes = np.array([get_size(p) for p in h.progenitors])
            paddings = padding_fct(prosizes)
            size = max(h.mass, np.sum(prosizes) + np.sum(paddings))

        sizes[] = size
        return size


    # position nodes (relative to root)
    vpos = {}
    if align == "center":

        def set_vpos(h, center):
            vpos[] = center - h.mass / 2
            mysize = sizes[]
            prosizes = np.array([sizes[] for p in h.progenitors])
            paddings = padding_fct(prosizes)
            paddings = np.append(paddings, 0)
            pcenter = center - mysize / 2
            for i, p in enumerate(h.progenitors):
                pcenter += prosizes[i] / 2
                set_vpos(p, pcenter)
                pcenter += prosizes[i] / 2
                pcenter += paddings[i]

    elif align == "bottom":

        def set_vpos(h, bottom):
            vpos[] = bottom
            mysize = sizes[]
            prosizes = np.array([sizes[] for p in h.progenitors])
            paddings = padding_fct(prosizes)
            paddings = np.append(paddings, 0)
            pbottom = bottom
            for i, p in enumerate(h.progenitors):
                set_vpos(p, pbottom)
                pbottom += prosizes[i]
                pbottom += paddings[i]

        raise NotImplementedError(f"unknown align: {align}")

    set_vpos(hroot, 0)
    hy = np.array([vpos[] for h in hlist])
    return hv, hy

[docs] def merger_tree_drawing( trees: Mapping[str, np.ndarray], progenitor_array: np.ndarray, target_idx: int, *, max_steps: int = 20, mass_threshold: float = 1e10, method: str = "block", padding: float = 0.05, width: int = 1200, height: int = 600, cmap: Union[str, matplotlib.colors.Colormap] = "viridis", coloring: str = "branch", **kwargs, ) -> drawsvg.Drawing: """Visualize the merger-tree as an svg Parameters ---------- trees the full merger tree forest progenitor_array the progenitor array returned by :func:`haccytrees.read_forest` target_idx the root index of the halo which is to be visualized max_steps the number of progenitor steps that are being visualized mass_threshold all progenitors below this threshold will be skipped method the drawing method that determines the y-position of each progenitor. See the notes for valid options padding determines the fraction of padding along the y-axis between neighboring progenitors width the width of the svg height the height of the svg cmap the colormap that is used to differentiate the branches coloring if ``"branch"``, will color each branch differently. If ``None``, all branches will be drawn in black kwargs TODO: add additional arguments Returns ------- drawing: drawsvg.Drawing the svg Notes ----- Valid ``methods`` are: - recursive-center - recursive-bottom - center - block - bottom """ # Some config soft = kwargs.get("soft", 0.5) nodewidth = kwargs.get("nodewidth", max_steps) mm_threshold = kwargs.get("mm_threshold", 1 / 3) mm_is_absolute = kwargs.get("mm_is_absolute", False) highlight_mm = kwargs.get("highlight_mm", False) if cmap is not None and isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = matplotlib.pyplot.get_cmap(cmap) aspect = width / height # Get Data hdict, hroot, snaplists = _extract_tree( trees, progenitor_array, target_idx, mass_threshold=mass_threshold, max_steps=max_steps, ) # Get a List of all halos nhalos = len(hdict) hlist = [h for hidx, h in hdict.items()] # Map from id to idx hloc = { i for i, h in enumerate(hlist)} # Determine xpos, height and width hnorm = max_steps * (1 + nodewidth / 100 / max_steps) hx = np.array([hroot.snapnum - h.snapnum for h in hlist]) / hnorm * aspect hh = np.array([nodewidth / 100 / max_steps for h in hlist]) po = np.zeros(nhalos, dtype=np.float64) methods = method.split("-") print(methods, flush=True) if len(methods) == 1: methods.append("center") if methods[0] == "recursive": hv, hy = _tree_recursive( hroot, hlist, hloc, snaplists, padding, align=methods[1] ) else: hv, hy = _tree_align(hlist, hloc, snaplists, padding, align=methods[0]) # normalize to [0, 1] hymax = hy + hv voff = np.min(hy) vnorm = np.max(hymax) - voff # print(voff, vnorm) hy = (hy - voff) / vnorm hv /= vnorm # get links links = [(hloc[], hloc[]) for h in hlist for p in h.progenitors] # get progenitor offset for links for h in hlist: poff = 0 for p in h.progenitors: po[hloc[]] = poff poff += p.mass / vnorm if highlight_mm: highlight_dict = { False for h in hlist} def highlight_branches(h): highlight_dict[] = True if len(h.progenitors): # highlight main progenitor highlight_branches(h.progenitors[0]) abs_threshold = ( mm_threshold if mm_is_absolute else mm_threshold * h.progenitors[0].mass ) for p in h.progenitors[1:]: if p.mass >= abs_threshold: highlight_branches(p) highlight_branches(hroot) highlights = [highlight_dict[] for h in hlist] else: highlights = [True for h in hlist] # Plot Halos if coloring is None: colors = ["#000000" for h in hlist] elif coloring == "branch": color_dict = {} def set_color(h, low, up): color_dict[] = cmap(low) nprogs = max(1, len(h.progenitors)) # diff = max(up-low, 0.2) up = 1 inc = (up - low) / nprogs for i, p in enumerate(h.progenitors): set_color(p, low + i * inc, low + (i + 1) * inc) set_color(hroot, 0, 1) colors = [matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(color_dict[]) for h in hlist] else: raise NotImplementedError(f"unknown coloring {coloring}") d = drawsvg.Drawing(aspect, 1, origin=(0, 0)) d.setRenderSize(aspect * height, height) d.draw(drawsvg.Rectangle(0, 0, aspect, 1, fill="#FFF")) for i in range(nhalos): d.append( drawsvg.Rectangle( hx[i], hy[i], hh[i], hv[i], fill=colors[i], fill_opacity=1 if highlights[i] else 0.3, ) ) for ld, lp in links: _x0 = hx[ld] + hh[ld] _y0 = hy[ld] + po[lp] _h = hv[lp] _x1 = hx[lp] _y1 = hy[lp] _dx = _x1 - _x0 _dy = _y1 - _y0 _s0 = _dx * soft # distance to control point 1 _s1 = _dx * (1 - soft) # distance to control point 2 d.append( drawsvg.Path( stroke="none", fill=colors[lp], fill_opacity=0.6 if highlights[lp] else 0.1, ) .M(_x0, _y0) .v(_h) .c(_s0, 0, _s1, _dy, _dx, _dy) .v(-_h) .c(-_s0, 0, -_s1, -_dy, -_dx, -_dy) ) return d