Source code for haccytrees.mergertrees.submassmodel

import numpy as np
import numba
from typing import Mapping, List
from ..simulations import Simulation, Cosmology

# TODO: parallelize numba functions: act on each root individually
def _create_submass_hostidx(
    """calculate the index of the top host halo and immediate host (could be a subhalo)
    for each subhalo array
    nhalos = len(snapnum)

    # A temporary array to keep track of the hosts in the current (sub)tree
    snap_mainhost_idx = np.empty(snap0 + 1, dtype=np.int64)
    snap_mainhost_idx[:] = -1

    # A temporary array to keep track of the direct host for a halo
    snap_mainhost_row = np.empty(snap0 + 1, dtype=np.int64)
    snap_mainhost_row[:] = -1

    current_row = 0  # current row in the scratch array
    lastsnap = snapnum[0]  # previous snapshot number
    current_idx = 0  # current position in the subhalo arrays
    for i in range(nhalos):
        # a completely new tree
        if desc_index[i] < 0:
            # reset arrays
            snap_mainhost_idx[:] = -1
            current_row = 0
            snap_mainhost_row[:] = -1
        # we are at a new "row" in matrix-layout
        # don't do this when we start a new tree (elif)
        elif snapnum[i] >= lastsnap:
            current_row += 1
            directhost_row = snap_mainhost_row[snapnum[i] + 1]
            assert directhost_row >= 0
            # fill-in the subhalos
            for s in range(snap0, snapnum[i], -1):
                sm_snapnum[current_idx] = s
                sm_mainhostidx[current_idx] = snap_mainhost_idx[s]
                scratch_idx[current_row, s] = -current_idx - 1

                # last index of the halo before merge
                sm_infallidx[current_idx] = i

                # direct host
                sm_hostmassidx[current_idx] = scratch_idx[directhost_row, s]

                # increment position in subhalo array
                current_idx += 1

            # remove invalidated roots
            for s in range(lastsnap, snapnum[i]):
                snap_mainhost_idx[s] = -1
                snap_mainhost_row[s] = -1

        snap_mainhost_idx[snapnum[i]] = i
        snap_mainhost_row[snapnum[i]] = current_row
        scratch_idx[current_row, snapnum[i]] = i
        lastsnap = snapnum[i]

    assert current_idx == len(sm_mainhostidx)

def _submass_model(
    nhalos = len(mass)

    # the exponential factor
    exp_fac = -1 / zeta

    current_idx = 0
    lastsnap = snapnum[0]
    for i in range(nhalos):
        if snapnum[i] >= lastsnap and desc_index[i] != -1:
            # new branch
            current_mass = mass[i]
            s_infall = snapnum[i]
            t_lb_current = 0.5 * (t_lb[s_infall] + t_lb[s_infall + 1])
            branch_nsub = snap0 - snapnum[i]

            # walk "backwards" through subhalo branch (starting from point of merger)
            for j in range(branch_nsub):
                # starting at the first snapshot the halo is a subhalo
                s = snapnum[i] + 1 + j
                # current_idx+branch_nsub is the start of the next subhalo
                idx = current_idx + branch_nsub - (j + 1)

                # is it a real host or another subhalo?
                if sm_directmassidx[idx] >= 0:
                    # real host – take mass after merger for first step, else previous
                    lux = sm_directmassidx[idx] + 1 * (j != 0)
                    mass_host = mass[lux]
                    lux = -sm_directmassidx[idx] - 1
                    assert lux < idx
                    mass_host = submass[lux]
                assert mass_host > 0

                mass_fac = zeta * (current_mass / mass_host) ** zeta
                delta_t = t_lb_current - t_lb[s]
                tau = tau_sub[s]

                submass[idx] = current_mass * (1 + mass_fac * delta_t / tau) ** exp_fac

                # update time and mass
                t_lb_current = t_lb[s]
                current_mass = submass[idx]

            current_idx += branch_nsub
        lastsnap = snapnum[i]

    assert current_idx == len(sm_directmassidx)

def _count_sub_number(snapnum, snap0, desc_index):
    # Count number of subs we'll need to allocate
    nhalos = len(snapnum)
    lastsnap = snapnum[0]
    nsub = 0
    maxrows = 0
    for i in range(nhalos):
        if desc_index[i] == -1:
            current_row = 1
        elif snapnum[i] >= lastsnap:
            # we are at a new "row" in matrix-layout
            # everything from z=0 to that halo will be a sub
            nsub += snap0 - snapnum[i]
            current_row += 1
            maxrows = max(maxrows, current_row)
        lastsnap = snapnum[i]
    return nsub, maxrows

def _create_submass_data(mass, snapnum, snap0, desc_index, tau_sub, t_lb, zeta):
    # Count number of subs we'll need to allocate
    nsub, maxrows = _count_sub_number(snapnum, snap0, desc_index)

    # Allocate arrays
    submass = np.empty(nsub, dtype=np.float32)
    submass_mainhostidx = np.empty(nsub, dtype=np.int64)
    submass_mainhostidx[:] = -(1 << 60)
    submass_directhostidx = np.empty(nsub, dtype=np.int64)
    submass_directhostidx[:] = -(1 << 60)
    submass_infallidx = np.empty(nsub, dtype=np.int64)
    submass_snapnum = np.zeros(nsub, dtype=snapnum.dtype)

    # Scratch space
    scratch_idx = np.empty((maxrows, snap0 + 1), dtype=np.int64)
    scratch_idx[:] = -(1 << 60)

    # Fill hostidx
    assert np.sum(submass_mainhostidx < 0) == 0
    assert np.sum(submass_directhostidx == -(1 << 60)) == 0

    # Fill submass (in reverse)

    return {
        "mass": submass,
        "hostidx": submass_mainhostidx,
        "direct_hostidx": submass_directhostidx,
        "infallidx": submass_infallidx,
        "snapnum": submass_snapnum,

@numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)
def _compute_fsub_stats(
    subdata_offset, subdata_size, tree_node_mass, sub_mass, fsubtot, fsubmax
    nhalos = len(tree_node_mass)
    for i in numba.prange(nhalos):
        start = subdata_offset[i]
        end = subdata_offset[i] + subdata_size[i]
        _fsubtot = 0
        _fsubmax = 0
        for j in range(start, end):
            _fsubtot += sub_mass[j]
            _fsubmax = max(_fsubmax, sub_mass[j])
        fsubtot[i] = _fsubtot / tree_node_mass[i]
        fsubmax[i] = _fsubmax / tree_node_mass[i]

def _subdata_hostidx_order(nhalos, submass_hostidx):
    nsub = len(submass_hostidx)

    # Count subhalos of each halo
    subdata_size = np.zeros(nhalos, dtype=np.int64)
    for i in range(nsub):
        subdata_size[submass_hostidx[i]] += 1
    # convert to offset in final array
    subdata_offset = np.empty(nhalos, dtype=np.int64)
    current_offset = 0
    for i in range(nhalos):
        subdata_offset[i] = current_offset
        current_offset += subdata_size[i]
    assert current_offset == nsub

    # get ordering of data
    subdata_localoffsets = np.zeros(nhalos, dtype=np.int64)
    subdata_s = np.empty(nsub, dtype=np.int64)
    subdata_s[:] = -1
    for i in range(nsub):
        hidx = submass_hostidx[i]
        subdata_s[i] = subdata_offset[hidx] + subdata_localoffsets[hidx]
        subdata_localoffsets[hidx] += 1

    return subdata_s, subdata_offset, subdata_size

[docs] def create_submass_data( forest, simulation, *, zeta: float = 0.1, A: float = 1.1, mass_threshold: float = None, compute_fsub_stats: bool = False, ): if isinstance(simulation, str): simulation = Simulation.simulations[simulation] cosmo = simulation.cosmo a = simulation.step2a(np.array(simulation.cosmotools_steps)) H = cosmo.hubble_parameter(a) H0 = 100 * cosmo.h # Bryan-Norman overdensity Delta_vir = cosmo.virial_overdensity(a) Delta_vir_0 = cosmo.virial_overdensity(1) # dynamical time of halo, in Gyr/h tau_dyn = 1.628 * (Delta_vir / Delta_vir_0) ** -0.5 * (H / H0) ** -1 # characteristic timescale of subhalo mass loss tau_sub = tau_dyn / A # lookback time for each snapshot (in Gyr/h) t_lb = cosmo.lookback_time(a) * cosmo.h # number of (host) halos we're dealing with nhalos = len(forest["snapnum"]) # apply submass model subhalo_data = _create_submass_data( forest["tree_node_mass"], forest["snapnum"], snap0=len(simulation.cosmotools_steps) - 1, desc_index=forest["descendant_idx"], tau_sub=tau_sub, t_lb=t_lb, zeta=zeta, ) # Apply mass threshold if mass_threshold is not None: mask = subhalo_data["mass"] > mass_threshold for k in subhalo_data.keys(): subhalo_data[k] = subhalo_data[k][mask] # order subdata by host halo subdata_s, subdata_offset, subdata_size = _subdata_hostidx_order( nhalos, subhalo_data["hostidx"] ) # invert order subdata_s = np.argsort(subdata_s) for k in subhalo_data.keys(): subhalo_data[k] = subhalo_data[k][subdata_s] forest["subdata_offset"] = subdata_offset forest["subdata_size"] = subdata_size # fsub statistics if compute_fsub_stats: forest["fsubtot"] = np.zeros(nhalos, dtype=np.float32) forest["fsubmax"] = np.zeros(nhalos, dtype=np.float32) _compute_fsub_stats( forest["subdata_offset"], forest["subdata_size"], forest["tree_node_mass"], subhalo_data["mass"], forest["fsubtot"], forest["fsubmax"], ) return subhalo_data