Source code for haccytrees.mergertrees.forest_reader

import numpy as np
import numba
import h5py
from typing import Tuple, Mapping, Union, Optional, List

from ..simulations import Simulation

# These fields will always be loaded from the HDF5 files
_essential_fields = ["tree_node_index", "desc_node_index", "snapnum", "branch_size"]

def _create_desc_index(snapnum, desc_node_index):
    """Creating an array index for each halo, given by the data order

        the full "snapnum" data array of the merger forest

        the desc_node_index array of the merger forests, required since we have
        some trees that are not rooted at z=0 (final snapshot), and therefore
        we need to know when we start a new tree (desc_node_index==-1)

    The function keeps track of the current tree hierachy by the snap_roots
    array, where each entry has the array index of the last halo at that
    snapshot as we traverse a tree. The descendant index of a halo at index i is
    then the value of ``snap_roots[snapnum[i] + 1]``

    N = len(snapnum)

    # Allocate desc_index
    desc_index = np.empty(N, dtype=np.int64)
    desc_index[:] = -1

    # Keep track of roots at each snap
    snapmax = np.max(snapnum)
    snap_roots = np.empty(int(snapmax + 3), dtype=np.int64)
    snap_roots[:] = -1

    prev_sn = snapmax
    for i in range(N):
        sn = snapnum[i] + 1
        # check if it's a new root
        if desc_node_index[i] < 0:
            # this is only necessary because we may have roots at z>0 (halos
            # that disappear)
            snap_roots[:] = -1
            # cleanup previous step
            for j in range(sn, prev_sn):
                snap_roots[j] = -1

        desc_index[i] = snap_roots[sn + 1]
        snap_roots[sn] = i
        prev_sn = sn

    return desc_index

def _create_progenitor_idx(desc_index):
    N = len(desc_index)

    # Count how many progenitors each halo has
    progenitor_count = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.uint32)
    for i in range(N):
        dix = desc_index[i]
        if dix != -1:
            progenitor_count[dix] += 1

    progenitor_offsets = np.empty(N, dtype=np.uint64)
    progenitor_array_size = 0
    for i in range(N):
        progenitor_offsets[i] = progenitor_array_size
        progenitor_array_size += progenitor_count[i]

    # Create an array that will hold indices to progenitors for each halo
    progenitor_array = np.empty(progenitor_array_size, dtype=np.int64)
    progenitor_array[:] = -2  # nothing should be -2 after

    # A temporary array to keep current offsets to write progenitor indices
    progenitor_localoffsets = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.uint32)

    for i in range(N):
        dix = desc_index[i]
        if dix != -1:
            write_pos = progenitor_offsets[dix] + progenitor_localoffsets[dix]
            progenitor_array[write_pos] = i
            progenitor_localoffsets[dix] += 1

    return progenitor_array, progenitor_count, progenitor_offsets

def _create_indices(snapnum, desc_node_index):
    desc_index = _create_desc_index(snapnum, desc_node_index)
    progenitor_array, progenitor_count, progenitor_offsets = _create_progenitor_idx(
    return desc_index, progenitor_array, progenitor_count, progenitor_offsets

def _get_massthreshold_mask(
    snapnum, tree_node_mass, desc_node_index, mask, threshold_mass, snap0
    nhalos = len(snapnum)
    snap_roots = np.empty(snap0 + 1, dtype=numba.bool_)
    snap_roots[:] = True
    lastsnap = snapnum[0]
    for i in range(nhalos):
        # print(i, snap_roots)
        if desc_node_index[i] < 0:
            # a completely new root
            snap_roots[:] = True

        elif snapnum[i] >= lastsnap:
            # we are at a new branch
            for s in range(lastsnap, snapnum[i]):
                snap_roots[s] = True
        desc_valid = desc_node_index[i] < 0 or snap_roots[snapnum[i] + 1]
        mask[i] = tree_node_mass[i] > threshold_mass and desc_valid
        snap_roots[snapnum[i]] = mask[i]
        lastsnap = snapnum[i]

@numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)
def _fix_branch_size(branch_size, mask):
    nhalos = len(branch_size)
    cumulative_counter = np.zeros(nhalos + 1, dtype=np.uint64)
    current_counter = 0
    for i in range(nhalos):
        cumulative_counter[i] = current_counter
        current_counter += mask[i]
    cumulative_counter[nhalos] = current_counter

    for i in numba.prange(nhalos):
        end = i + branch_size[i]
        branch_size[i] = cumulative_counter[end] - cumulative_counter[i]

[docs] def read_forest( filename: str, simulation: Union[str, Simulation], *, nchunks: int = None, chunknum: int = None, include_fields: List[str] = None, create_indices: bool = True, add_scale_factor: bool = True, mass_threshold: float = None, include_non_z0_roots: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Mapping[str, np.ndarray], Optional[np.ndarray]]: """Read a HDF5 merger-forest Parameters ---------- filename the path to the merger forest file simulation either a valid simulation name or a Simulation instance, used to add the scale factor to the output nchunks if not None, the file will be split in ``nchunks`` equally-sized parts chunknum if ``nchunks`` is set, ``chunknum`` determines which chunk number will be read. First chunk has ``chunknum=0``, has to be smaller than ``nchunks``. include_fields the columns that will be read from the HDF5 file. If ``None``, all data will be read. Note: some essential columns will always be read, check ``haccytrees.mergertrees.forest_reader._essential_fields``. create_indices if ``True``, will add descendant_idx``, ``progenitor_count``, ``progenitor_offset`` to the forest and return the ``progenitor_array`` add_scale_factor if ``True``, will add the scale factor column to the forest data mass_threshold if not ``None``, the reader will prune all halos below the specified mass threshold (in Msun/h) include_non_z0_roots if True, will also include trees that are not rooted at z=0 (i.e. halos that for some reason "disappear" during the evolution) Returns ------- forest: Mapping[str, np.ndarray] the merger tree forest data progenitor_array: Optional[np.ndarray] a progenitor index array that can be used together with the ``progenitor_offset`` and ``progenitor_count`` arrays in the forest data in order to easily find all progenitors of a halo. Only returned if ``create_indices=True``. """ if isinstance(simulation, str): if simulation[-4:] == ".cfg": simulation = Simulation.parse_config(simulation) else: simulation = Simulation.simulations[simulation] root_step = simulation.cosmotools_steps[-1] with h5py.File(filename, "r") as f: nhalos = len(f["forest"]["tree_node_index"]) roots = np.array(f[f"index_{root_step}"]["index"]) nroots = len(roots) if include_non_z0_roots: file_end = nhalos else: file_end = roots[-1] + f["forest"]["branch_size"][roots[-1]] if nchunks is not None: chunksize = nroots // nchunks if chunknum is None: print("Warning: no chunknum specified, reading first chunk") chunknum = 0 if chunknum >= nchunks: print(f"invalid chunknum: {chunknum} needs to be smaller than {nchunks}") start = roots[chunknum * chunksize] if chunknum == nchunks - 1: end = file_end else: end = roots[(chunknum + 1) * chunksize] else: start = 0 end = file_end with h5py.File(filename, "r") as f: forest = f["forest"] if include_fields is None: include_fields = list(forest.keys()) else: for k in _essential_fields: if k not in include_fields: include_fields.append(k) data = {} for k in include_fields: data[k] = np.array(forest[k][start:end]) if mass_threshold is not None: mask = np.empty(len(data["snapnum"]), dtype=np.bool) # snapnum, tree_node_mass, desc_node_index, mask, threshold_mass, snap0 _get_massthreshold_mask( data["snapnum"], data["tree_node_mass"], data["desc_node_index"], mask, mass_threshold, len(simulation.cosmotools_steps), ) # Fix branch size _fix_branch_size(data["branch_size"], mask) # Apply mask for k in data.keys(): data[k] = data[k][mask] if add_scale_factor: steps = np.array(simulation.cosmotools_steps) timestep = steps[data["snapnum"]] data["scale_factor"] = simulation.step2a(timestep) if create_indices: indices = _create_indices(data["snapnum"], data["desc_node_index"]) progenitor_array = indices[1] data["descendant_idx"] = indices[0] data["progenitor_count"] = indices[2] data["progenitor_offset"] = indices[3] data["halo_index"] = np.arange(len(indices[0])) return data, progenitor_array else: return data, None
def read_forest_targets( filename: str, simulation: Union[str, Simulation], root_indices: List[int], *, include_fields: List[str] = None, create_indices: bool = True, add_scale_factor: bool = True, mass_threshold: float = None, ) -> Tuple[Mapping[str, np.ndarray], Optional[np.ndarray]]: """Read a HDF5 merger-forest Parameters ---------- filename the path to the merger forest file simulation either a valid simulation name or a Simulation instance, used to add the scale factor to the output root_indices the start points of the subtrees that should be read (offset in the forest arrays) include_fields the columns that will be read from the HDF5 file. If ``None``, all data will be read. Note: some essential columns will always be read, check ``haccytrees.mergertrees.forest_reader._essential_fields``. create_indices if ``True``, will add descendant_idx``, ``progenitor_count``, ``progenitor_offset`` to the forest and return the ``progenitor_array`` add_scale_factor if ``True``, will add the scale factor column to the forest data mass_threshold if not ``None``, the reader will prune all halos below the specified mass threshold (in Msun/h) Returns ------- forest: Mapping[str, np.ndarray] the merger tree forest data progenitor_array: Optional[np.ndarray] a progenitor index array that can be used together with the ``progenitor_offset`` and ``progenitor_count`` arrays in the forest data in order to easily find all progenitors of a halo. Only returned if ``create_indices=True``. """ if isinstance(simulation, str): simulation = Simulation.simulations[simulation] with h5py.File(filename, "r") as f: roots = np.array(f["index_499"]["index"]) file_end = roots[-1] + f["forest"]["branch_size"][roots[-1]] assert np.max(root_indices) < file_end starts = np.array(root_indices) ends = starts + f["forest"]["branch_size"][root_indices] root_sizes = ends - starts data_size = np.sum(root_sizes) with h5py.File(filename, "r") as f: forest = f["forest"] if include_fields is None: include_fields = list(forest.keys()) else: for k in _essential_fields: if k not in include_fields: include_fields.append(k) # allocate data = {} for k in include_fields: data[k] = np.empty(data_size, dtype=forest[k].dtype) # read offset = 0 for i in range(len(root_indices)): for k in include_fields: data[k][offset : offset + root_sizes[i]] = forest[k][ starts[i] : ends[i] ] offset += root_sizes[i] assert offset == data_size if mass_threshold is not None: mask = np.empty(len(data["snapnum"]), dtype=np.bool) # snapnum, tree_node_mass, desc_node_index, mask, threshold_mass, snap0 _get_massthreshold_mask( data["snapnum"], data["tree_node_mass"], data["desc_node_index"], mask, mass_threshold, len(simulation.cosmotools_steps), ) # Fix branch size _fix_branch_size(data["branch_size"], mask) # Apply mask for k in data.keys(): data[k] = data[k][mask] if add_scale_factor: steps = np.array(simulation.cosmotools_steps) timestep = steps[data["snapnum"]] data["scale_factor"] = simulation.step2a(timestep) if create_indices: indices = _create_indices(data["snapnum"], data["desc_node_index"]) progenitor_array = indices[1] data["descendant_idx"] = indices[0] data["progenitor_count"] = indices[2] data["progenitor_offset"] = indices[3] data["halo_index"] = np.arange(len(indices[0])) return data, progenitor_array else: return data, None