Source code for haccytrees.mergertrees.forest_manipulation

import numpy as np
import numba
from typing import Mapping, Union

from ..simulations import Simulation

@numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)
def _get_mainbranch(snapnum, target_indices, mainbranch_matrix):
    ntargets = len(target_indices)
    nhalos = len(snapnum)
    for i in numba.prange(ntargets):
        idx = target_indices[i]
        sn = snapnum[idx]
        mainbranch_matrix[i, sn] = idx
        while idx + 1 < nhalos and snapnum[idx + 1] < sn:
            idx += 1
            sn = snapnum[idx]
            mainbranch_matrix[i, sn] = idx

[docs] def get_mainbranch_indices( forest: Mapping[str, np.ndarray], simulation: Union[str, Simulation], target_index: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: """Extract main progenitor branches in a matrix format: ``(n_targets x n_steps)`` Parameters ---------- forest: the full treenode forest returned by :func:`read_forest` simulation: either a valid simulation string or an instance of :class:`Simulation`, required to get the number of cosmotools steps. target_index: the indices of the halos for which the main progenitor branch should be extracted. Returns ------- mainbranch_indices: np.ndarray the indices of the halos in the main progenitor branches. Each column `j` corresponds to the main branch of the `j`-th target_halo. Each row corresponds to a cosmotools step (with 0 being the first step). At times where the halo did not exist, the index is `-1`. """ if isinstance(simulation, str): simulation = Simulation.simulations[simulation] if not isinstance(target_index, np.ndarray): if hasattr(target_index, "__len__"): target_index = np.array(target_index) else: target_index = np.array([target_index]) nhalos = len(target_index) nsteps = len(simulation.cosmotools_steps) # allocate an index array mainbranch_indices = np.empty((nhalos, nsteps), dtype=np.int64) mainbranch_indices[:] = -1 # fill index array _get_mainbranch(forest["snapnum"], target_index, mainbranch_indices) return mainbranch_indices
@numba.jit(nopython=True) def _accumulate_infall_histogram( counts, mass, desc_index, target_index, branch_size, mass_min, mass_max, ): n_targets = len(target_index) nbins = len(counts) dm = (mass_max - mass_min) / nbins for j in range(n_targets): root_index = target_index[j] end_index = root_index for i in range(root_index + 1, root_index + branch_size[root_index]): if desc_index[i] == end_index: # main progenitor branch end_index = i continue if desc_index[i] > end_index: # doesn't merge into main branch continue mass_bin = int((mass[i] - mass_min) / dm) if mass_bin >= 0 and mass_bin < nbins: counts[mass_bin] += 1
[docs] def get_infall_histogram( forest: Mapping[str, np.ndarray], target_index: np.ndarray, mass_min: float, mass_max: float, nbins: int, logbins: bool = True, ) -> np.ndarray: """Get a histogram of infall masses, integrated over all snapshots and target_index This function counts the halos that fall onto the main progenitor branches of the halos specified by target_index and bins them according to their masses Parameters ---------- forest: the full treenode forest returned by :func:`read_forest` target_index: the indices of the halos for which the infall masses should be accumulated mass_min: lower mass bound for histogram mass_max: upper mass bound for histogram nbins: number of bins in the histogram, linearly or logarithmically spread from min to max logbins: if ``True``, the bins will be logarithmically distributed, otherwise linearly Returns ------- counts: np.ndarray the indices of the n-th most massive progenitors (determined by the tree-node mass). -1 if the progenitor does not exist. """ counts = np.zeros(nbins, dtype=np.int64) mass = forest["tree_node_mass"] if logbins: mass = np.log10(mass) mass_min = np.log10(mass_min) mass_max = np.log10(mass_max) _accumulate_infall_histogram( counts, mass, forest["descendant_idx"], target_index, forest["branch_size"], mass_min, mass_max, ) return counts
@numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True) def _get_nth_progenitor_indices( progenitor_array, progenitor_offsets, progenitor_count, target_indices, progenitor_indices, n, ): ntargets = len(target_indices) for i in numba.prange(ntargets): idx = target_indices[i] nprogs = progenitor_count[idx] if nprogs < n: progenitor_indices[i] = -1 else: progenitor_indices[i] = progenitor_array[progenitor_offsets[idx] + n - 1]
[docs] def get_nth_progenitor_indices( forest: Mapping[str, np.ndarray], progenitor_array: np.ndarray, target_index: np.ndarray, n: int, ) -> np.ndarray: """Extract indices of the n-th most massive progenitor for each target halo The index array returned has the same length as target_index. Invalid indices are masked with -1 (i.e. if the halo does not have n progenitors) Parameters ---------- forest: the full treenode forest returned by :func:`read_forest` progenitor_array: the full progenitor array created by :func:`read_forest` target_index: the indices of the halos for which the merger indices should be extracted. n: the n-th progenitor. ``0`` corresponds to the main progenitor, ``1`` to the main merger halo, etc. Returns ------- merger_indices: np.ndarray the indices of the n-th most massive progenitors (determined by the tree-node mass). -1 if the progenitor does not exist. """ if n <= 0: raise ValueError("n needs to be larger than 0 (1==main progenitor)") if not isinstance(target_index, np.ndarray): if hasattr(target_index, "__len__"): target_index = np.array(target_index) else: target_index = np.array([target_index]) nhalos = len(target_index) # allocate an index array progenitor_indices = np.empty(nhalos, dtype=np.int64) # fill index array _get_nth_progenitor_indices( progenitor_array, forest["progenitor_offset"], forest["progenitor_count"], target_index, progenitor_indices, n, ) return progenitor_indices