Welcome to haccytrees! This is a python library to create, read, and process large merger-tree forests created from HACC simulations, such as Last Journey.

Documentation and usage examples are provided at https://argonnecpac.github.io/HACCyTrees/. The code is available at https://github.com/ArgonneCPAC/HACCyTrees.

merger tree illustration


To install haccytrees, you will need to clone the repository and then use pip.

git clone https://github.com/ArgonneCPAC/HACCyTrees.git
cd haccytrees

# Using pip to install the package
pip install .


These python packages will be automatically installed if they are not yet in your python library:

  • numpy: Python array library

  • numba: used to speed up iterating across arrays and trees

  • h5py: a python HDF5 interface

For visualizations, these additional packages are required:

  • matplotlib: General purpose plotting library

  • drawSvg: used to create SVG drawings of trees

These two packages are required to run the HACC to haccytrees conversion:

  • mpi4py: MPI for Python to distribute the work-load

  • pygio: The Python GenericIO interface that allows reading and writing GenericIO files from python with and without MPI. Use this guide to install pygio.